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Topic of the Week .. Body Odor #18!!!

OUCH!!! This one HURTS our Big Girl Feelings .. At least it did for me :(

Not that anyone EVER said anything to me .. Jerry​ actually said I smelled fine BUT, I could SMELL ME and it wasn't pretty. THANKFULLY this is one that didn't stay in My Meno Bag after I "Officially" entered into Post Menopause last Sept. WHEW!!! BE FREEE and Fly AWAY with your STINKY ASS SYMPTOM!!! haha ;)

Seriously .. This isn't a fun to experience .. We walk around looking to see if we can catch a glimpse of disgust on another persons face as we interact with them. IF they hold their nose OR ask IF we smell anything I guess that would be a clue for us to EXIT LEFT!!! It didn't come to that for me .. To my knowledge anyway.

One would think that a TRUSTY deodorant after a nice shower or bath would work .. NOT!!! I had to switch my deodorants and after a bath I would BURST into FLAMES aka Hot Flashes #1 and be a Sweaty Mess!!!  

I guess that #18 "IS WHAT IT IS" and we need to do the BEST we can and GIVE OURSELVES A SMELLY BREAK!!! IF you are experiencing this symptom hopefully it will pass for YOU​ as well.

Just one more thing​ .. IF not try Suave Tropical Deodorant .. It may camouflage!